High quality steel products, including custom and manufactured solutions. Leading brands include: Mitsubishi, Brunner & Lay, and Monark Steels.
Products include:
Whirley Bits & Integral Bits
Integral Drill Steel
Tapered Rods & Bits
R25, R32, T38, T45 and T51 Rods & Bits
Striker Bars
Couplers & Adapters
Drill Hole Plugs
Air Track, Rock Drill & Hammer Parts
Split Set Driver Tools
Nut Runners
Bar Spinners
Scaling Bars
Drill Steel Extensions
Cheater Steel
GEO Support Systems (Rock Armor)
Grout Swivels
Carbide & Hardened Steel Cross Bits
Adapter Coupling
Pry Bars
Jackhammer Steel
And more…
Custom solutions also available. Call us at 306.653.1056 or email sales@minesupplyco.com to find out more.